Hydraulic Valve Test Stand
Manufacturers of precision servo valves accurately grind the edges of a spool and sleeve assembly as a matched set so that each valve provides a consistent zero shift point. This has historically been done using a strip chart recorder and human interpretation of the required grind value for each sample. Often, multiple passes were required for accuracy.
By creating a precision flow hydraulic test bench with integral position sensing feedback, Genuen provides a system that determines the required material removal (grind) by analyzing the acquired pressure vs. the position data of the spool assembly and reporting the variances on each sample to the grind system. By implementing this new approach, servo value manufacturers have experienced dramatic improvements in grind accuracy, valve performance, and process throughput.
Genuen offers three production hydraulic valve test stands:
1) The first test stand tests a range of hydraulic valves used in off-highway equipment. The system includes two hydraulic power units: one unit has a continuous operating pressure of 6000 PSI, the other one operates at 5000 PSI and has sufficient flow to power two units simultaneously.
2) The 5000 PSI 100 GPM test stands are designed with two fixtures each, allowing one UUT to be tested while the other one is installed for testing. All connections include QDs.
3) The 3rd unit tests very large valves at a flow rate of 90 GPM at 6000 PSI. Remote diagnostics included in the system allow us to assist in troubleshooting via a VPN connection.
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