Setting the Default Data Logging Path in INERTIA

By default, INERTIA logs data to a timestamped folder within the Logs directory within your project’s folder, e.g., NI VeriStand 2015\Projects\MyProject\Logs\YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS. This default folder can be changed from theINERTIA Test Executor by pressing the option button:


In the options dialog, you then have the option to set:

  1. Base Log Path: Set the absolute folder to put all your log files.
  2. Create Timestamp Folder: Flag that determines whether a timestamp folder will automatically be created each time a test runs. The timestamp folder will be appended to the Base Log Path and always uses the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
  3. Post-Processing VI: Allows a VI to be launched automatically upon test completion.


Note that changing the Base Log Path applies to all log files created for the current project.

Want to learn more about using INERTIA? Fast-track your knowledge of INERTIA software with this video library, including six video tutorials specifically designed to help a new user get accustomed to the interface, features, and tools.


About Genuen

Our goal is to improve time to market without compromising product quality or safety standards. With experience in mission-critical applications and regulatory compliance, Genuen creates custom test systems across the product lifecycle, including hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), fluid power test, and electromechanical test. Headquartered near Kansas City, we have offices across the United States and serve clients in aerospace, transportation, national security, and beyond. The company's Quality Management System (QMS) is certified to ISO 9001.